Sunday, 30 December 2012

Getting ready

So, there's only 17 days left until we leave for Zambia! I'm really excited to go, but nervous at the same time. There will be all kinds of little details to sort out and I'm guessing I'll be tired by the end of it, but what a great experience! I find myself thinking about what it will be like there, and sometimes I end up scaring myself, but then I thank God for such an amazing opportunity, and thank him for pushing me out of my comfort zone. I think God gave us our comfort zone so we know when to step out of it, you know? If we live inside of our little box, how can we make a difference? How can we do what God wants us to do if we're walking around in our bubble, not interacting with anyone, not showing that you are a follower of Christ? It's impossible. I think God dosen't want people who bring Jesus into their lives when times are good and then shut him up in a box when things aren't going right, he wants people who live and breathe his word and live for him, he is the king of our lives. This is a great oppurtunity to share my faith globally and locally, by getting my class at school behind me, they even helped me collect toothbrushes for the people in Zambia.

I've never really been out of Canada and the US, now I get to go to England (because they didn't have any direct flights to Zambia from Toronto) and Africa! This will be an amazing experience, sure to be unforgettable. I hope my life will be changed, actually, I know it will be, knowing that God will guide my steps and watch over me.

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11

That's all for now,