Monday, 28 January 2013

Our last night in Mongu

So, it is early on Tuesday morning and we are now preparing to pack and head back to Lusaka, as our time in Mongu is done.  This means all the packing and preparing for a long trip.   Its seems a bit like we just got here, but my dirty laundry tells another story!!!!  :)

Last night we had a beautiful sunset view over the Zambezi floodplain.  Everyone took a lot of pictures.  There were kids out playing on the sand hill, and people fishing in dugout canoes, and the harbour area was full of activity.  We even met some other people from the UK who have been in Zambia for 2 weeks, and they work at the Eye Clinic, doing eye examinations and giving out glasses prescriptions.

Zambezi River Floodplain at sunset

Rich and Laurie took us to a restaurant in the town for supper together.  We also went to a market and a Lozi tribe craft shop to get some souvenirs.  (I got one for you Abby!) 

This is a picture of my dad and I and a student from the Bible College, Enock Muyeba Ngubulu.  Yes, that's what I said.   He is on his last year of a 3 year diploma program to become a pastor.  He also likes photography, and calls it his "Tent-making".  He likes to fool around a bit, just like my dad, so they hit it off.  I will try to remember to pray for this man.

The team is tired.  You can just tell.  But I think we've all had fun and have been a blessing and have been blessed.  I most enjoyed meeting the kids.  Although I did like working with Greg on construction.  (He did more of it than me!)

We are packing up now, and loading the truck.  I won't have WiFi until later, so I won't be able to post any new blogs after this one.

Pray for us as we travel through London again, and then back to Toronto, CANADA!!!!

That's all for now!
See you all soon!


Construction team picture

Canadian and Zambian construction team
(plus some kids who just wanted to be in the photo!)
Jan 28
Today was our last day on the construction site.  Gerrit and Les put the ladder on the water tower stand, while Greg and Harold cut wood for the rafters and trusses for a new building.  

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Completely blown away

Today was Sunday. We went to Rich & Laurie's church. Trust me, the service is very long, around three hours! I didn't stay for the entire service, I went outside with the Sunday School kids with Laurie, Rebecca and my dad. It was very interesting to see how they teach the kids about Jesus in another country, knowing how it is in Canada because I am involved in children's ministry. In Canada, they separate the kids in age groups, but here they keep them all together in one big group.

After the service, I gave the kids toothbrushes. They looked very happy to receive the toothbrushes, they started to play with them as if they were toys.

What really amazes me is that the people are so happy with so little. They're just happy that they are alive and well, and that God has blessed them with what they have. I saw a little boy probably only one year old, wearing ripped clothes and probably living in a hut that was made out of plastic bags, and he was laughing and smiling. I think we can all learn something from them. God loves you enough to give you breath and life, and he let his one and only son die for your sins so that we can have eternal life with him in Heaven. Just thinking about that makes me smile. What a wonderful truth!

After church, we went to play volleyball with some youth at another church in Mongu. It was so fun! There were over 100 kids playing soccer and volleyball and some just digging in the dirt.  We played a warm-up match, and then we danced. Then we played another match, Canada vs. Zambia. Sadly, the Canadians lost. We'll win next time.  Then more dancing.  Then the Pastor spoke and wanted us to introduce ourselves to everyone.  They asked me to share something about Canada.  Then, you guessed it...  we danced!

The construction project has been going well, and its back to work at the site tomorrow. 

That's all for now,
Me handing out toothbrushes to some of the kids


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Jan 26, by Blair

Mongu, Zambia

Jan 26
Good day today.  Water tower stand near completion, and stood up today.  Les, Gerrit and Joseph (Zambian welder) have put in the hours for sure!
Good progress on the perimeter wall around the youth center property.  A mix of Canadians and Zambians working on mortar and block laying. 
Great food for the workers from Julie and Helen!  Thanks so much!
The morning routine is interesting.  It is culturally very important to greet one another every morning, with Good morning, How are you?  Are you well?  How did you sleep?  How is your family?  Are they well? along with a vigorous handshake.  It seems that high value is placed on getting to know you first, before we go and lay concrete blocks.  I wonder if western society could learn something about that.  Sure, we might say hello and ask if you watched the game last night? , but this is just surface. 
And then it all repeats after lunch, and then well wishes at the end of the day. 
Tomorrow is Sunday.  We are going to church with Rich and Laurie.  We are preparing for 3 hours + on a bench.  As before, this is the culture.  I might try to find out what's going on in Jr. Church with the kids! Ha!  After church, in the afternoon, we have been invited to play volleyball.  A community event should be fun and a diversion from the worksite.
Zambia as a nation, seems very patriotic.  They have a sense of humble pride in their country.  It is evident on the football pitch - The African Nations Cup is going on now, and everyone is following the team.  It is evident in how people speak about their country. 


Toothbrush Delivery!

Kayla with Pastor Manuella, director at Kids Alive orphanage,
presenting toothbrushes and Ontario Gleaners soup mix.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Another day, another adventure!

Today it was back to work. We went back to the work site and worked on the wall and on the water tower.  It was very hot. And having sunburns hasn't fun either. Being in the sun most of the day makes you very tired (trust me, I know). I was so tired I decided to come back to the house and help.

After I left the building site, the team saw a spider that looked like a tarantula. One of the locals said that it was a poisonous spider. They also saw a snake. I'm glad I wasn't there, because I do not like spiders or snakes.

Now we are watching football, The Africa Cup Of Nations. Earlier today we played football with some kids at the building site, and they were GOOD!


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Goodbye London, Hello Mongu!

January 22
We're finally in Mongu, safe and sound. Some of the team is staying with Rich and Laurie, while the rest of us are at a facility called Kids Alive. The Kids Alive guest house that we are staying at is quite nice, compared to the little shacks made of mud or plastic bags that we saw on the way here. The people are very friendly here. As we went by in the car, people looked at us and waved; and of course, we waved back. Lusaka is a fairly modern city in some areas. We saw two malls in Lusaka, and the one we went to pick up some groceries for lunch had a Subway restaurant, and a south-African version of KFC, called The Hungry Lion. Other parts of Lusaka are quite poor and dirty. We didn't stop here, but the roads were bad, full of pot holes. People were just sort of hanging around.
The road from Lusaka to Mongu is over 600 km. When we drove through Kafue game reserve, we saw a variety of animals. There were a whole lot of Antelope-type animals, monkeys, hippos, a bunch of different kinds of birds and baboons. We even saw a zebra and two lions! There were check-points along the road we just stopped at, and Rich or Laurie were asked a few questions about our destination, and wanted to see their driver's licence. 
January 23
Today we worked. The building site is only a few kilometres away. We started building a wall that eventually will go around the property to make sure the people are safe. I got to try putting mortar on the wall, which, by the end of the day, I was quite good at. The wall was around 30ft long and 5ft tall by the end of the day. There are some students working with us. They are very friendly and polite. There was also a thatched hut in the middle of the property, which belongs to the groundskeeper. Eventually they will move the hut to the corner of the property, but for now, it's in the middle of nowhere. Most of us are a little sunburned. I guess we didn't apply it enough.
January 24
Today we will go back to work while Helen, Julie, Reislyn and Elora stay home and cook (and play).

Time for breakfast!

Jan 22 /23 by Blair

Jan 22 2013

48 hours ago, I was really frustrated. Being held up at the airport a second time was a huge let down for me. I thought for sure we wouldn't be delayed any further, but I was wrong. I didn't see the snow conditions as poor. Our flight was again delayed until Monday January 20 at noon. (Even then we didn't get away until 13:30).

So, I'm left with the feeling of a complete wasted day. And the answers to my questions were not cutting it. Even from our own group“There's a reason God didn't allow that flight to happen” (and we may never know – this side of heaven) just didn't resolve the issue. But as I reflect, was it a lost day? I think about the people I chatted with at the airport as we waited ... the couple from Newcastle UK celebrating a 40th birthday, the lady with a new born baby who was returning to Zambia, the Team Send people in green shirts. Even the people on our own team – I chatted with Andrew about photography for a while, and with Gerrit about life, and played cards with Elora Clarke. These are good, rich times, and not just a fleeting way to put in the hours.
Then finally the flight announcement. People cheered!
The flight was fine. Our in-flight meal was Duck, rice, and chocolate mousse (talk about suffering for the Lord) But what a long flight! 10 hours. Plus a 2 hour time change, had us arriving in Lusaka at midnight. And by the time we cleared through customs, rounded up gear and met with the Weiandt's, it was 3:00 am. We stayed in Lusaka at the ECZ facility which was close by, and allowed us a few hours of sleep.

Now it's Jan 22, and I'm riding in a truck, going 600 km distance to Mongu, I'm still confused. Where on earth are we going?! 
To get to Mongu, in case you ever need to get there, you travel through the Kafue National Game Reserve.  This is an enormous park, and we did see some animals.  (Kayla will likely comment.)  Its a rough road.
Its good to reunite with Rich and Laurie Weiandt. 
Jan 23
A day of construction at the SIM Youth Center.  The vision for this property is a safe place where people can connect (kids, youth, orphans) with caring leaders through various means.  They may start a connection by playing football (soccer) together, and then it will grow to a point to spend time together. 
We are staying at the Kids Alive facility in Mongu - a good place for our team.  Lots of rooms and a kitchen/dining room for the team eating together.  Since the ordeal in London, we started sharing with the group what's on our minds on a daily basis, during a group time.  Successes of the day, what could have gone better, etc.  Tonight, we could actually talk about some construction and some new people we've met in Zambia. 

Monday, 21 January 2013

To infinity, and beyond!

Well, maybe we aren't going to infinity, but it sure feels like it's taking an eternity to get to Zambia! Our fight is now taking off at 12:30 pm (noon). While all my friends are at school, I get to enjoy not going to school, and finally flying to Zambia! I'll probably learn more than I would at school, what do you think is more important, finding what God wants you do do, or answering a million math questions? I bet you know he answer. It's so obvious. They just announced our gate to start boarding and people started clapping! Sorry this blog has to be cut short.

That's all, 
Kayla :) (the super excited one)

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Flying out tonight (fingers crossed)

We're waiting for news on our flight. The flight just got delayed and is now flying out at 9:48, it was supposed to fly out at 6:50. We're all well rested, we all slept in a hotel last night and woke up late. None of us have lost it yet. :) We're still sane (well most of us...) We're still in the same spot that we were on Friday, Elora and Reislyn are still not tired of the little play area (which is closed at the moment). The girls are making new friends everyday, and are constantly asking what our names are. :) I guess it's tough being 3 and 4.

Rebecca is playing Scrabble on her ancient iPod. Blair (my dad) is reading his Rick Mercer book that he got for Christmas. Greg tuned the guitar we're bringing (we're bringing the bare necessities). And the girls are handing out "Play Safe" pamphlets that they found near the play area.

I had a little adventure myself today. As I went through the screening machine, the machine beeped! And if you know me, you know I'd be nervous. As it turns out, I'd forgotten to take my iPod out of my pocket. Oops! Hey, I got a free massage from the nice lady. And the funny part is, when we were riding the bus to the airport, I kept reminding myself to take it out of my pocket, and of course, I forgot. There's a machine that lets you give feedback about your experience at security, so I pressed the "Not Satisfied" button. :)

That's all for now,

Blog Entry January 20, 2013 (by Blair)

The 3 headlines in the news this morning are the British nationals who are missing in the Algerian Hostage Crisis, who is playing for Chelsea and West Ham in the football match, and the weather across the U.K.
So, our flight to Lusaka, Zambia had been first delayed for 3 hrs and then cancelled altogether due to poor weather conditions. The snow and ice has prevented over 400 international and Europe-bound flights from departing. De-icing efforts seem to be less efficient than we experienced in Pearson, Toronto. Our team had to make some quick decisions, and thanks to Les and Andrew we are all safe and accounted for (our bags, to be determined!). We made the best decisions we could, with the information we had. Menno Travel has been fine to deal with, and we are on another BA flight later today (Sunday Jan 20) to Lusaka. The weather forecast calls for 2-6 cm of snow.
During this whole event, it was neat to meet some other 'Hands and Feet' of Jesus. An excellent couple from North Carolina, Lisa and Mark, also heading to Zambia for a project, were helpful with some savvy travel tips. And a young guy in the airport, who just brought us blankets and sandwich wraps. Rebecca asked him if he came from heaven? He said his parents were missionaries, and we looked like we needed the blankets. And a British Airways employee, Alan, who we chatted with. He thought going to Zambia was admirable.
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, Our strong Deliverer
You are the Everlasting God
You do not faint, and you don't grow weary.
You are the defender of the weak
And you comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings, like the eagles!
We have managed to contact Rich Weiandt to let him know about our delays, as he was arranging our pick-up in Lusaka. He was aware of our flight cancellation.


Saturday, 19 January 2013

Stranded in London

We're still in London. Our flight got cancelled at the very last minute so now our flight is tomorrow at 6:50pm, but they're calling for more snow so we're not sure when we will get to Zambia. If our flight tomorrow is cancelled because of the snow, we might not get out until Wednesday!

Most of the team stayed at the airport last night with our bags, (I wasn't one of them), and the rest of us stayed at the Comfort hotel, where there is unlimited wi-fi (yaay) and free breakfast. Tonight the entire team is in the same hotel, so we can all get a good night's rest.

There is more snow here than there is in Woodstock, but not enough so that the flights in Toronto would be cancelled because they're always prepared for a Canadian winter with lots of snow.

It's almost 11am here and the little girls are still sleeping in their room. They will be full of energy when they wake up I'm sure. Reislyn was pratically falling asleep last night in the airport, and she said she wasn't tired. :)

We have to go meet the rest of the team at the airport now,

Playing, Napping and chillin'

I'm currently sitting in Heathrow Airport in England! This is my first time out of North America. I've discovered that airports can be extremely boring, even with an entire mall inside. But somehow, it's actually kind of fun, with the little girls inventing new games.
Reislyn explaining what a water bottle is :)

There is even a play area in the airport!

We arrived in England around 10 England time, so around 5 Ontario time. The view was beautiful this morning. God's whole creation is amazing.

It's snowing like crazy here, a lot of flights got cancelled, I hope ours isn't one of them. Some of the team went to the Heathrow Lodge to rest.

Some of the team chillin' in the airport

That's all for now,

P.S: I meant to post this yesterday but the internet wasn' t working

Thursday, 17 January 2013

In the airport!

The team earlier today
I am currently sitting in Pearson Airport in Toronto. We are allowed to board the plane at 8:50 and our plane takes off at 9:35. I've got four gummy rattlesnakes, a few granola bars, a pack of gum and a bunch of mint lifesavers. So I don’t think I’ll go hungry on the plane... They just announced that our plane might be delayed by a little bit because of the weather, it’s snowing!

As we went through security, the youngest member of our team, Reislyn, asked if we were in Africa yet. I guess someones a little excited. :)

They’re calling people to board the plane now so I guess I should get my stuff together. I’ll blog tomorrow!

That’s all for now,

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Toothbrush update

And now to announce the grand total for my toothbrushes....... Drum roll....... The total is 307 toothbrushes!!!! I'm amazed. So completely blown away! Thank you to everyone who donated a toothbrush!

Just imagine 307 of them!

Thanks again, 

Hakuna Matata

Tomorrow is the big day! In about 24 hours, I'll be in an airport waiting to board an airplane flying to Zambia, not knowing what to expect when we arrive. Our flight takes off at 9:35pm tomorrow from Toronto, going to Heathrow Airport in London, England and then we wait for nine hours, then board the plane to Lusaka, Zambia. After we collect our bags, it's a seven hour drive across the African Plateau. We're even going through a game reserve! I hope we'll see some animals. I'm imagining a place like in The Lion King with all kinds of animals, lions, zebras, antelope, warthogs and meerkats (I hope they look like Pumba and Timone) :)
It means no worries! :)

Hakuna Matata  means no worries. I have a lot of worries right now, like what if they stop us at the airport because we have to many bags? What if someone gets sick? Trusting God is so important with a trip like this, especially with all the details with the flights and such. God takes away all our worries if we trust that He will. I've been thinking about this verse as I've been preparing for this trip:

Psalm 13:5:
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

 I'm all packed, I've got six or seven books, some candies and other stuff to do on the plane, including my iPod so I can listen to my awesome music! Rebecca is looking forward to listening to some of my tunes! :)

It's amazing to think about my trip. It makes me think about what God's purpose is for me, maybe He wants me to commit my entire life to missions, or maybe He wants me to be a witness to others. You can't know for sure until God reveals it to you.

I'm super excited, I probably won't be able to sleep tonight, oh well. I guess that will make sleeping on the airplane easier.

That's all for now,

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Four more sleeps!!!!

The team
Four more sleeps and I'll be on a plane on my way to AFRICA!!! I'm so amazed by everything, how God is working, and people´s generosity and support. I will miss everyone, but I'm sure that I'll come back with so many stories and testimonies of how God is working in people´s lives.

Today was our "Send-Off" Sunday. We all came up to the front of the church and the whole congregation prayed for us. Our youth pastor, Jason prayed for us in the second service. He was going to be on our team, but was hurt in an accident, so he is staying home and recovering. It was neat to see him come out to the church on his crutches and pray for us!
We also had Doraine Ross from SIM come and answer some last minute questions. She's lived in Zambia for 34 years as a nurse, I guess that's God purpose for her. He has purpose for everyone, we just have to find out what that is.

Isaiah 6:8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

God knows everything. He knew what your name was even before you were born. He knows everyday of our lives, every second, every breath you take. He is ever present, all knowing. Going on this trip has really helped me realize that.

Victoria Falls- Zambia
That's all for now,

Thursday, 10 January 2013

One week!

There's only 7 days until we leave for Zambia!!!! I'm super excited. It seems that it comes up everywhere, like at school, some teachers say that the class won't start reading a book until I get back, which makes me even more excited (I know that sounds impossible, I think I've reached the maximum level of excitement). I should probably start packing... I've got a mental list of things I'm going to bring.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

God has such an amazing plan for our lives. Sometimes, it's really hard follow his lead, with all the junk that the world throws at us. Trust is so important, especially when you're going to Africa!

One of the members of the team is unable to come with us, he was in an accident. He's alright, but his injuries prevent him from coming. Talk about trusting God's plan!

Thanks to everyone who donated toothbrushes! I was able to collect 268 toothbrushes! WOW!!!

That's all,

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Almost all packed!

There's less than 11 days until we leave for Zambia! I'm super excited. it's crazy to think that in less than 2 weeks, I'll be on a plane going to Africa!

Today we packed. We packed a total of 14 hockey bags, full of books, toothbrushes, canned foods, sports equipment and so much more! Packing is such a production, because we have to weigh everything (each bag has to be under 51 pounds) and there was so much stuff to go through! But we managed.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Mark 15:16

This is one of my favorite verses. It reminds me that God's wants us spread his word to everyone, it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, God still wants you to be his child, and he wants to be your heavenly father. He loves you so much that he sent his one and only son to die for our sins, so that we can have eternal life! Isn't that great?

I raised around 200 toothbrushes! I'm sure they will be a blessing to the people in Zambia. Thank you to all the people who have supported the team, who have prayed for us and donated!

That's all for now,