Thursday, 24 January 2013

Another day, another adventure!

Today it was back to work. We went back to the work site and worked on the wall and on the water tower.  It was very hot. And having sunburns hasn't fun either. Being in the sun most of the day makes you very tired (trust me, I know). I was so tired I decided to come back to the house and help.

After I left the building site, the team saw a spider that looked like a tarantula. One of the locals said that it was a poisonous spider. They also saw a snake. I'm glad I wasn't there, because I do not like spiders or snakes.

Now we are watching football, The Africa Cup Of Nations. Earlier today we played football with some kids at the building site, and they were GOOD!



  1. As you guys are there in Zambia I have been enjoying the book "Too Small To Ignore", written by the CEO of Compassion International, and I've been really enjoying reading of his experiences growing up in Ivory Coast, a western African country.

    Kind of neat to be both reading this blog and reading that book this week.

    Hope the sunburns don't get worse. Sounds like the weather forecast for today was 70-80F, so perhaps there was some relief from the 90F temperatures.

  2. Hey Dad!! (Harold)
    Hope that all is going well over there in Zambia!!
    Wish I was there with you! I hope that the building
    is going well and that lots of progress is being made!
    Miss you lots cant wait to see you soon!! <3 Alex
    Hi Grandpa!
    I miss you and hope you are having fun playing with
    the elephants and the lions and the hippos! I miss you
    lots and cant wait for you to hear how good I talk!!
    love you!! Bryanna :)
