Saturday 19 January 2013

Stranded in London

We're still in London. Our flight got cancelled at the very last minute so now our flight is tomorrow at 6:50pm, but they're calling for more snow so we're not sure when we will get to Zambia. If our flight tomorrow is cancelled because of the snow, we might not get out until Wednesday!

Most of the team stayed at the airport last night with our bags, (I wasn't one of them), and the rest of us stayed at the Comfort hotel, where there is unlimited wi-fi (yaay) and free breakfast. Tonight the entire team is in the same hotel, so we can all get a good night's rest.

There is more snow here than there is in Woodstock, but not enough so that the flights in Toronto would be cancelled because they're always prepared for a Canadian winter with lots of snow.

It's almost 11am here and the little girls are still sleeping in their room. They will be full of energy when they wake up I'm sure. Reislyn was pratically falling asleep last night in the airport, and she said she wasn't tired. :)

We have to go meet the rest of the team at the airport now,


  1. Hey Kayla ... Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm praying that God would give you continued patience as you wait to know when you'll be flying out. I hope everyone sleeps well tonight and enjoys breakfast ... I hope there are some tea and crumpets in the mix :). Hi to everyone!

  2. Hey Kayla,

    I hope you guys are alk safe and doing fine. God is planning something... He did this for a reason. That reason we will never learn but remember God is with you always. "He is not here, he is risen". A song I was listening to for our Summer VBS "Athens". It says "Give all your worries and your thoughts to God, for he cares about you!" May God glorify you and keep working you!

    Dylan Somerville

  3. Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer... Hi team, just want to encourage you to be joyful in the wait! and encourage you to continue to let your little light shine! .. Happy to hear you were able to find rooms so that you could rest.. Thinking of, and praying for you all. Keep looking up!

    Carolyn Wierenga.
